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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P-Q R S T U V W-X-Y Z    


Caccini, Giovanni Battista (1556–1613) Italian architect, sculptor.

Termini Di Mezzo Rilievo E D'Intera Dottrina Tra Gl'Archi Di Casa Valori In Firenze Colsommario Della Vita D'Alcuni. Compendio dell'Opere de gl'altri. E indizio di tutti gl'aggiunti nel Discorso dell'Eccellenza degli Scrittori, e Nobilta de gli Studi Fiorentini. (Firenze, /Cristofano Marescotti/ 1604)


Cacialli, Giuseppe (1770–1828) Italian architect.  

Collezione Dei Disegni Di Nuove Fabbriche E Ornati Fatta Nella Regia Villa Del Poggio Imperiale Proposti E Diretti Dall'Architetto Giuseppe Cacialli Parte Prima… (Firenze, /Giuseppe Molini/ 1823)


Calabro, Mateo (18th c.) Spanish engineer, officer.

Tratado de fortificación o Arquitectura militar dado por el capitán de infantería don Mateo Calabro, ingeniero en segunda de los reales ejércitos de Su Majestad y director general de esta Real Academia de Matemáticas de Barcelona (Barcelona, 1733)


Calepio, Nicolino (1724–?) Italian architect.

Elementi d'architettura civile ridotti in compendio dal conte Nicolino de' conti di Calepio (Bergamo, /Francesco Locatelli/ 1784)


Cameron, Charles (1740–1812) Scottish architect in Russia.

The Baths Of The Romans Explained And Illustrated (London, /George Scott/ 1772)


Cammermayer, Simon (Cammermeier, Cammermeir) (17th c.) German builder master?

Neues ZierathenBuch. Darinnen allerhand schöne Zierathen zufinden: So von denen Mahlern Bildhauern Goldschmiden Schreinern Steinmetzen Rothgiesern, Zu Altären Tabernakeln Epitaphien Castris Doloris, Fürstlichen Caminen Rennschlitten u.d.g Item zu schönen Schildfüllungen, Auszugen Windflügeln, gehängen Kraksteinen, und anderer Arbeit, sehr nützlich können angewendet werden… (Nürnberg, /P. Fürst/ 1670, 1680)

Von den Fünff Ordnungen der Seülen in der Bau Kunst: Wie Dieselbige nach einem gemeinen und in Decimal Scrupel vertheilten Modell, vermittels beygefügter außgerechneter Tabelln Vortheilhafftig doch Richtig und Behend mögen aufgetheilt und gebraucht werden; Den Mahlern Bildhauer[n], Schreinern Steinmetzen, und allen so sich deß Zirckels Linials und Mas-stabs bedienen, zu Dienst, Nutzen und gefallen (Nürnberg, /P. Fürst/ 1660, 1678, 1695)


Campbell, Colin (Colen) (?–1729) English architect.

Vitruvius Britannicus, or The British ArchitectContaining The Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Regular Buildings, both Publick and Private, In Great Britain, With Variety of New Designs; in 200 large Folio Plates, Engraven by the best Hands; and Drawn either from the Buildings themselves, or the Original Designs of the Architects; In II Volumes Vol. I. (Vol. II.) by Colin Campbell Esqr. Vitruvius Britannicus, ou L'Architecte Britannique, Contenant Les Plans, Elevations, & Sections des Bâtimens Reguliers, tant Particuliers que Publics de la Grande Bretagne, Compris en 200 grandes Planches gravez en taille douce par les Meilleurs Maitres, et tous ou dessinez des Bâtimens memes, ou copiez des Desseins Originaux des Architectes: En Deux Tomes. Tome I. (Tome II.) Par le Sieur Campbell. (London, /C. Campbell/ 1715-1717)

The Third Volume of Vitruvius Britannicus: Or, The British Architect. Containing The Geometrical Plans of the most Considerable Gardens and Plantations; also the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the most Regular Buildings, not Published in the First and Second Volumes. With Large Views, in Perspective, of the most Remarkable Edifices in Great Britain. Engraven by the Best Hands in One Hundred large Folio Plates. By Colen Campbell, Esquire, Architect to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Vitruvius Britannicus: Ou, L'Architecte Britannique: Contenant Les Plans des Jardins les Plus Considerables, Aussi les Plans, Elevations, & Sections des Batimens Reguliers, ne sont pas encore publies dans les Deux Premiers Tomes. Avec quelques Veues, en Perspective, des Masons les plus Celebres de la Grande Bretagne. Compris en 100 grandes Planches gravez en taille douce par les plus habiles Maitres. Par Le Sieur Campbell, Architecte de Son Altesse Royale Le Prince de Galles. Tom. III. (London, /C. Campbell/ 1725)


Campen, Jacob van (1595–1657) Dutch architect.

Afbeelding van't Stadt Huys Van Amsterdam, in dartigh Coopere Plaaten geordineert door Jacob van Campen; en Geteeckent door Iacob Vennekool (Amsterdam, /Dancker Danckert/ 1661)


Campiglia, Giovanni Domenico (1692–1770) Italian painter, engraver.

Il Secondo Libro Del Novo Teatro Delle Fabriche Et Edificj Fatte Fare In Roma E Fvori Di Roma Dalla Santità Di Nostro Signore Papa Clemente XII Disegnate Ed Intagliate In Prospettiva Con Direzzione E Cvra Di Gio (Roma, 1793)


Cancrin, Franz Ludwig von (1738–1812) German architect, mineralogist.

Grundlehren der bürgerlichen Baukunst nach Theorie und Erfahrung vorgetragen (Gotha, /Ettinger/ 1792)


Canina, Luigi (1795–1856) Italian architect, archaeologist.

Indicazione topografica di Roma antica (Roma, /Canina/ 1831)

Cenni storici e ricerche icnografiche sul teatro di Pompeo: e fabbriche adiacenti letti dal socio ordinario… (Roma, /Canina/ 1833)

Descrizione storica del Foro Romano e sue adiacenze… (Roma, /Canina/ 1834)

L'architettura antica descritta e dimostrata coi monumenti: opera divisa in tre sezioni risguardanti la storia, la teorica, e le pratiche dell'architettura egiziana, greca e romana (Roma, /Canina/ 1834, 1842, 1843, 1845)

Ragionamento sul clivo, sulla posizione e sull'architettura del tempio di Giove Capitolino (Roma, /ella stamperia della Reverenda Camera Apostolica/ 1835)

Osservazioni sull'opera di Vitruvio pubblicata in Roma dal marchese Luigi Marini (Roma, /Canina/ 1836)

Sul porto neroniano di Anzio e sui rostri del Foro romano: dissertazione letta nella Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia dal socio ordinario cav. Luigi Canina nell'adunanza tenuta nel dì 30 di gennaio 1837… (Roma, /Canina/ 1837)

Descrizione di Cere antica ed in particolare del monumento sepolcrale scoperto nell' a 1836 dal gen. Vincenzo Galassi a archiprete D. Aless. Regulini per servire di preliminare illustrazione degli oggetti in esso rinvenuti e collocati nel nuovo museo Gregoriano nel Vaticano (Roma, /Canina/ 1838)

Sulla stazione delle navi di Ostia: sul porto di Claudio con le fosse indicate nella iscrizione scoperta l'anno 1836 e sul porto interno di Traiano e la fossa distinta col nome di questo imperatore… (Roma, /Canina/ 1838)

Sugli antichi edifizj gia esistenti nel luogo ora occupato dalla chiesa di S. Martina e dall'annessa fabrica di proprieta’dell’insigne e pontificia Sccademia di San Luca… (Roma, /Canina/ 1839)

Sul circo edificato da Adriano vicino al suo Mausoleo: per celebrare il natale di Roma nell' anno 874… (Roma, /Canina/ 1840)

Indicazione topografica di Roma antica distribuita nelle XIV regioni (Roma, /Canina/ 1841)

Descrizione dell’antico Tuscolo dell’architetto cav. Luigio Canina… (Roma, /Canina/ 1841)

Ricerche sull' architettura più propria dei tempj cirstiani e applicazione della medesima ad una idea di sostituzione della chiesa cattedrale di S. Giovanni in Torino, del cavaliere Luigi Canina (Roma, /Canina/ 1843)

Ricerche sul genere di architettura proprio degli antichi giudei ed in particolare sul tempio di Gerusalemme (Roma, /Canina/ 1845)

Indicazione topografica di Roma antica in corrispondenza dell'epoca imperiale (Roma, /Canina/ 1850)

Vedute dei principali monumenti di Roma antica: tanto nello stato di rovina quanto nella intera loro architettura, disposte secondo l'ordine tenuto nel volume dell'indicazione topografica (Roma, /Canina/ 1851)

Particolare genere di architettura domestica decorato con ornamenti di svelte forme ed impiegato con poca varietà dai più rinomati popoli antichi ora solo ordinato con metodo e proposto all'applicazione delle fabbriche moderne in parte costrutte col legno e ferro fuso dal commendatore, Luigi Canina. (Roma, /G. A. Bertinelli/ 1852)

La prima parte della Via Appia dalla Porta Capena a Boville… (Roma, /G. A. Bertinelli/ 1853)

Esposizione topografica di roma antica distinta nelle tre prime epoche anteromana reale e consolare… (Roma, /G. A. Bertinelli/ 1855)


Caporali, Govanni Battista (1476–1560) Italian painter, architect.

Architettvra con il svo cōmento et figvre Vitrvvio in volgar lingva raportato per M. Gianbatista Caporali di Pervgia (Perugia, /I. Bigazzini/ 1536)


Cappa, Scipione (1857–1910) Italian engineer.

Album degli ingegneri ed architetti… (Torino, /A. F. Negro/ 1884-1892)


Capra, Alessandro (?–1683) Italian architect, engineer.

La Nvova Architettvra Famigliare Di Alessandro Capra Architetto, e Cittadino Cremonese Diuisa in cinque Libri corrispondenti a' cinque Ordini, cioè Toscano, Dorico, Ionico, Corintio, E Composito… (Bologna, /Giacomo Monti/ 1678)

La Nvova Architettvra Militare D'Antica Rinovata Da Alessandro Capra… (Bologna, /Giacomo Monti/ 1683)

La nuova architettura civile e militare / di / Alessandro Capra / Architetto, e cittadino Cremonefe / Divisa in due tomi / In questa nuova impressione diligentemente corretta, ed accresciuta… (Cremona, /Pietro Ricchini/ 1717)


Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Juan (Ivan), conde (1606–1682) Spanish architect, mathematician, theologian, philosopher, writer of music theory, monk, bishop.

Architectura civil, recta y obliqua considerada y dibuxada en el templo de Ierusalen… promovida a suma perfección en el templo y palacio de S. Lorenço cerca del Escurial que invento con su divino ingenio, delineo y dibuxo con su real mano y con excessivos gastos empleando los mejores architectos de Europa erigió el Rey d. Phelipe II. (Vegeven /Vigenavo/, /Emprenta Obispal, por Camillo Corrado/ 1678)


Carletti, Niccolo (Nicolo, Nicola) (1720–1796) Italian architect, engineer.

Istituzioni d'architettura civile (Napoli, /Stamperia Raimondiana/ 1772)


Carter, John (1748–1817) English architect, writer.

Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting now remaining in England, from the earliest period to the reign of Henry VIII: consisting of statues, bas-reliefs, busts, sculptures… Designed to shew the rise and progress of sculpture and painting in England… (London, 1780, 1787; London, /Bohn/ 1838; New ed… with… notes by Dawson Turner, London, 1887)

Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting, now remaining in this kingdom: from the earliest period to the reign of Henry ye VIII, consisting of statues, bassorelievos, brasses &c. paintings on glass and on walls &c. a description of each subject, ... The drawings made from the original subjects and engrav'd / by Iohn Carter (London, /J. Carter/ 1780-87)

The ancient architecture of England, including the orders during the British, Roman, Saxon, and Norman eras: and under the reigns of Henry III. and Edward III. (London, 1786-1793; London, /Henry G. Bonn/ 1887)

Views of ancient buildings in England: Drawn in different tours and engrav'd / by John Carter… (London, /J. Carter/ 1793)

Plan, elevations, sections and specimens of the architecture and ornaments of the cathedral church at Exeter. Engraved by James Basire from drawings made by Mr. John Carter… (London, / Society of Antiquaries of London/ 1797)

Some account of the Cathedral Church of Durham: illustrative of the plans, elevations and sections of that building (London, /W. Bulmer/ 1801)

Some account of the Cathedral Church of Gloucester: illustrative of the plans, elevations, and sections of that building (London, /W. Bulmer/ 1809)

Some account of the Cathedral Church of Exeter: illustrative of the plans, elevations and sections of that building (London, /W. Bulmer/ 1809)

Some account of the Abbey Church of St. Alban: Illustrative of the plans, elevations, and sections, of that building (London, /Nichols, son and Bentley/ 1813)

Some account of the Abbey Church of Bath: Illustrative of the plans, elevations, and sections, of that building (London, /Society of Antiquaries of London/ 1813)

Specimens of the ancient sculpture and painting now remaining in England, from the earliest period to the reign of Henry VIII, designed to shew the rise and progress of sculpture and painting in England, with critical and historical illustrations by Francis Douce [and others] (London, /Bohn/ 1887)


Cassani, Josep (José) S. J. (1673–1750) Spanish mathematician, engineer, jesuit.

Escuela militar de fortificación ofensiva y defensiva… (Madrid, /A. González de Reyes/ 1705)


Cataneo, Girolamo (?–after 1584) Italian military engineer.

Hier. Cataneus De arte bellica, sive, De designandis ac construendis arcibus & propugnaculis, necnon & de ijs oppugnandis, expugnandis, ac propugnandis: de itinere exercitus, ac castrametatione: quando expediat manus cum hoste conserere, ac tandem, quid imperatori sit in procinctu cauendum vel eligendum… (Lyon, /Tornaesius/ 1600)

Dell'arte militare libri tre, ne'quali si tratta il modo di fortificare… di Girolamo Cataneo, da lui in questa terza impressione ampliati, e corretti (Brescia, /Appresso Tomaso Bozzola/, 1564, 1567, 1571)

Dell'arte militare libri cinque, ne'quali si tratta il modo di fortificare… con l'essamine de'Bombardieri, & di far fuochi artificiati (Brescia, /Pietro Maria Marchetti [Tomaso Bozzola]/ 1584)


Cataneo, Pietro (Cattaneo, Senese) (1510–1574) Italian architect, military engineer, mathematician, writer.

I qvattro primi libri di architettvra di Pietro Cataneo Senese: nel primo de' qvali si dimostrano le buone qualità de' siti, per l'edificationi delle città & castella, sotto diuersi disegni: nel secondo, qvanto si aspetta alla materia per la fabrica: nel terzo si veggono varie maniere di tempii, & di che forma si conuenga fare il principale della città… nel qvatro si dimostrano… l'ordine di piu palazzi & casamenti, uenendo dal palazzo regale & signorile ... sino alle case di persone priuate ... [In Vinegia, in casa de'figliuoli di Aldo/ 1554)

L'architettura….Alla quale oltre all' essere stati dall' istesso autore rivisti, meglio ordinati e di diversi disegni,e discorsi arricchiti i primi quattro libri per l' adietro stampati, sono aggiunti di più il quinto, sesto, settimo e ottavo libro… (Venetia, /Paolo Manuzio/ 1567)

Opera nuova di fortificare… (Brescia, 1564)


Catel, Ludwig Friedrich (Louis) (1776–1819) German architect.

Vorschläge zur Verbesserung der Schauspielhäuser (1802)

Grundzüge einer Theorie der Bauart protestantischer Kirchen zur Aufstellung von Normalformen der protestantischen Kirchen und in besonderer Beziehung auf den Wiederaufbau der abgebrannten St. Petri-Kirche zu Berlin, mit der Benutzung der vorhandenen Ruine… (Berlin, /Maurer, 1815)


Cavalieri, Giovanni battista de’ (da Cavalieri, de Cavalleris) (1526–1597) Italian engraver.

Antiqvarvm statvarvm vrbis Romse primvs et secvndvs liber… (Roma, 1585)

Cosmo Medici / duci / florentinor et senens / Urbis Romæ / aedificiorvm illustrivmquæ / svpersvnt reliquiæ summa cvm dili / gentia a Ioanne Antonio Dosio stilo ferreo vt hodie cernvntvr descri / ptæ et a Io. Baptista de Cavalieriis / Aeneis Tabulis incisis represæntiæ MD LXIX Kal Mai… (Roma, 1569)


Caveda y Nava, Jose (1796–1882) Spanish writer.

Ensayo histórico sobre los diversos géneros de arquitectura empleados en España desde la dominación romana hasta nuestros días (Madrid, /Santiago Saunaque/ 1848)

Geschichte der Baukunst in Spanien. Aus d. Span. übers. v. Paul Heyse. Herausgegeben von Franz Kugler. (Stuttgart, /Ebner und Seubert/ 1858)


Caylus, Anne Claude Philippe, comte de (1692–1765) French dilettante, archaeologist.

Recueil d’antiquites egyptiennes, etrusques, grecques et romainesm (Paris, /Desaint & Saillant/ 1752-1767)


Cellarius, Andreas (ca. 1595–1665) German cartographer.

Architectura militaris: oder Gruendtliche Underweisung der heutigen Tages so wohl in Niederlandt als andern oerttern gebraeuchlichen Fortification oder Vestungsbau (oder gruendliche Unterweisung der heutigen Tages sowohl in Niederland als anderen Oertern gebraeuchlichen Fortifikation oder Festungsbau)… (Amsterdam, /Ian Ianßon/ 1645; ? 1656)


Cepeda y Adrada, Alonso de (Zepeda, Alonzo) (17th c.) Spanish engineer, officer.

Epitome de la Fortificacion moderna, assi en lo regular, como en lo irregular, reducida à la Regla, y al Compas, por diversos modos, y los mas faciles para mover la tierra; Y otros diversos tratados… (Brüsszel, (Francisco Poppens/ 1669)


Cerato, Domenico (1720–1792) Italian architect.

Nuovo metodo per disegnare li cinque ordini di architettura civile, conforme le regole di Andrea Palladio e Vincenzo Scamozzi… (Padova, /Penada/ 1784)


Cesariano, Cesare di Lorenzo (1475–1543) Italian architect, architectural theoretist, Vitruvius’ first generally known translator in Italian language.

Di Lucio Vitruvio Pollione De architectura libri dece traducti de latino in vulgare affigurati… Translato in vulgare sermone commentato et affigurato da Caesare Caesariano (Como, /Gotardus de Ponte/ 1521)


Chabat, Pierre (1827–1892) French architect, painter.

Bâtiments de chemins de fer: embarcadères, plans de gares, stations, abris, maisons de gardes, remises de locomotives, halles a marchandises, remises de voitures, ateliers, réservoirs, etc… gravé par Jules Penel (Paris, 1860)

Dictionnaire des termes employés dans la construction… (Paris, /V. A. Morel/ 1876, 1881)

Fragments d'architecture Egypte, Grece, Rome, Moyen age; Renaissance, age moderne, etc; avec notices descriptives (Paris, / V. A. Morel/ 1868)

La brique et la terre cuite: étude historique de l'emploi de ces matériaux, fabrication et usages, motifs de construction et de décoration choisis dans l'architecture des différents peuples (Paris, /Libraries-Imrimeries Réunies [ancienne Maison Morel]/ 1882)

Les tombeaux modernes: chapelles, croix, mausolées, pierres tombales, sarcophages, stèles, etc., alphabets pour inscriptions, attributs (Paris, /Libraries-Imrimeries Réunies [ancienne Maison Morel]/ 1890)


Chambers, Sir William (1723–1796) English architect.

Designs of chinese buildings, furniture, dresses, machines, and utensils: to which is annexed a description of their temples, houses, gardens, &c. engraved by the best hands, from the originals drawn in China (London, 1757)

Desseins Des Edifices, Meubles, Habits, Machines, Et Ustenciles Des Chinois (London, /J. Haberkorn/ 1757)

A treatise on civil architecture: in which the principles of that art are laid down, and illustrated by a great number of plates (London, 1759; London, /Dixwell/ 1768)

Plans… of tbe Gardens and Buildings at Kew in Surrey (1763)


Charvet, Léon (Etienne Léon Gabtriel) (1830–1916) French architect, writer.

Sebastien Serlio, 1475-1554 (Lyon, /Glairon Mondet/ 1869)

Architectes: notices biographiques et bibliographiques avec une table des édifices et la liste chronologique des noms (Lyon, /Bernoux & Cumin/ 1899)


Choisy, Auguste (1841–1909) French architect writer.

L'Art de bâtir chez les Romains 1-2 (Paris, /Ducher/ 1873)

L'Art de bâtir chez les Byzantins (Paris, /Ducher/ 1883)

Études épigraphiques sur l'architecture grecque (Paris, / Soc. Anonyme de Publ. Périodiques/ 1884)

Histoire de l'architecture (Paris, /Gauthier-Villars/ 1899; /G. Baranger/ 1929; /Vincent Fréal/ 1964; /Slatkine/ 1987)

L'Art de bâtir chez les Égyptiens (Paris, /Edouard Rouveyre/ 1904; 1977)


Clegg, Samuel (1781–1861) British civil engineer.

The Architecture of Machinery: An Essay on Propriety of Form and Proportion, with a View to Assist and Improve design. (London, /Architectural Library/ 1842)


Clérisseau, Charles-Louis (1721–1820) French architect, painter.

Les antiquités de France (Paris, 1778)


Cloquet, Louis (1849–1920) Belgian architect, writer, teacher.

Monographie de l'église paroisiale de St Jacques à Tournay… (Lille, Bruges, /Société de Saint-Augustin/ 1881)

Essai sur les principes du beau en architecture… (Gand, /Desclée, de Brouwer et Cie/ 1894)

Esthétique architecturale. Essai de classification et d'appréciation des formes… (Bruxelles, /Polleunis et Ceuterick/ 1895)

Les grandes Cathédrales du monde catholique. (Lille, /Société de Saint-Augustin/ 1897)

Les grandes cathédrales du monde catholique. (Lille, /Desclée, De Brouwer/ 1897)

Traité d'architecture: éléments de l'architecture, types d'édifices, esthétique, composition et pratique de l'architecture (Paris, /Baudry/ 1898; Paris, Liège, /Ch. Béranger/ 1922)

Hôtel des postes et télégraphes de Gand. (Bruxelles, /J. Goemaere/ 1904)

Lexique des termes architectoniques… (Bourges, /Desclée, de Brouwer et Cie/ 1905)

Le mouvement scientifique en Belgique, 1830-1905: les sciences architecturales… (Bruxelles, / Oscar Schepens & Cie/ 1907)

Les maisons anciennes en Belgique… (Gand, /Victor van Doosselaere/ 1907)

Traité d'architecture… (Paris, Liege, /Ch. Beranger/ 1913, 1922, 1930)

1. Murs, voûtes, arcades…

2. Portes, fenêtres, cheminées, charpente, menuiserie, planchers, escaliers, combles, couvertures…

3. Hygiéne, chauffage, ventilation…

4. Habitations privées et collectives, entrepots, marchés et abatoirs, bourses et banques, écoles, bibliothèques et musées, hotels-de-ville et mairies, parlements et préfectures, tribunaux et prisons, hopitaux et hospices, gares, hotels des postes, théatres, panoramas, casinos, cirques, manèges, tirs bains et lavoirs, tombeaux et cimetières…

5.: Esthétique, composition et décoration…

Traité de perspective pittoresque (Paris, /H. Laurens/ 1913)

Les artistes wallons (Bruxelles, /G. van Oest/ 1913)

Les cathédrales gothiques (Lille, /Société Saint-Augustin, Desclée, De Brouwer/ 1914)

Eléments d'Iconographie Chrétienne: types symboliques (Lille, /Desclée, De Brouwer & Cie/ 1890)

L'Art monumental des Egyptiens et des Assyriens. (Lille, Paris, /Desclée, de Brouwer/ ?)

L'Art monumental des Romains. . (Lille, Paris, /Desclée, de Brouwer/ ?)

La Restauration des monuments anciens… (Bruges, /Desclée, de Brouwer et Cie/ ?)

L'Esthétique des rues et des places. (Lille, Paris, Bruges, /Desclée, de Brouwer et Cie/ ?)

Notes pratiques pour la construction d'une église… (Gand, /Desclée, de Brouwer e tCie./ ?)


Cockerell, Charles Robert (1788–1863) English architect, writer, son of Samuel Pepys Cockerell (1753–1827).

The temples of Jupiter Panhellenius at Aegina, and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae (London, 1860)

Iconography of the west front of Wells Cathedral: with an appendix on the sculptures of other medieval churches in England (Oxford, /Parker/ 1851)


Coecke van Elst, Pieter (1502–1550) Flemish painter.

Des Antiquites, Le troisiesme livre translaté d’italien en franchois… (Anvers, /Gillis Coppens van Diest pour Pieter Coecke van Aelst/ 1550)

Reigles generales de l’architecture, sur les cincq manieres d’edifices, ascavoir, Thuscane, Doricque, Ionicque, Corinthe, & Composite, auec les exemples danticquitez, selon la doctrine de Vitruve (Anvers, /Pieter Coecke van Aelst/ 1542, 1545)

Reigles generales/ de l’Architecture, sur/ les cincq manieres d’e/difices, ascavoir, Thus/cane, Doricque, Ionicque,/ Corinthe, & Compo/site, auec les exemples/ danticquitez, selon la/ doctrine de Vitruve, Reueu & corrige, avec additions du mesme Aucteur oultre les precedentes impressions (Anvers, 1542)


Coehoorn (Cohorn, Cohorne, Kohorn), Menno (1634–1704) Military engineer of Netherlands.

Nouvelle fortification, tant pour un terrain bas et humide, que sec et eleve. Representee en trois manieres, sur le contenu interieur de l' exagone a la francoise, ou l'on fait voir quelle est… Avec une methode moderne de fortifier les places maritimes… Comme aussi l'attaque de chaque methode… par feu Minno Baron de Coehorn, general de l' artillerie… (La Haye, /Henry Scheurleer/ 1711)


Cointereaux, François (18th c. – early 19th c.) French official.

Ecole d'architecture rurale, premier cahier dans lequel on apprendra soi-même à bâtir solidement les maisons de plusieurs étages avec de la terre seule ou autres matériaux les plus communs et du plus vil prix, second cahier dans lequel on traite (Paris, 1790, 1791)

1. de l'art du pisé ou de la massivation,

2. des qualités des terres propres au pisé,

3. des détails de la main d'oeuvre;

4. du prix de la toise;

5. des enduits;

6. des peintures;

Traité sur la construction des manufactures et des maisons de campagne. Ouvrage utile aux fabricants & à tous ceux qui veulent élever des fabriques ou manufactures, ainsi qu'aux propriétaires, fermiers, hommes d'affaires, architectes, & entrepreneurs (Paris, 1794, 1795)

Ecole d'architecture rurale, transportée de Paris à Lyon en 1796… Ce volume… contiendra plusieurs expériences qui vont se faire dans cette école (Lyon, 1796)

Ecole d'architecture rurale, étable à Lyon, dans le faubourg de Vaise. Seconde expérience. Le pisé est à l'épreuve du canon… (Lyon, 1797)


Conti Di Calepio, Nicolini de', conte (18th c.) Italian dilettante.  

Elementi D'Architettura Civile (Bergamo, /Francesco Locatelli/ /1784)


Corazzi, Ercole (?) ?

L'architettura militare di Francesco Marchi cittadino bolognese e gentiluomo romano difesa dalla critica del sig. Allano Manesson Mallet parigino… (Bologna, /per li Rossi e Compagni sotto le Scuole alla Rosa/ 1720)


Cordemoy, Louis Géraud de (1651–1722) French cistercian monk.

Nouveau Traité De Toute L'Architecture Ou L'Art De Bastir; Utile Aux Entrepreneurs Et Aux Ouvriers (Paris, /Jean-Baptiste Coignard/ 1706, 1714)


Cornaro, Alvise (Luigi) (1475 /84?–1566) Italian architect.

Trattato di Architettura e Saggio sul duomo di Padova (1566)


Cornu, Paul (18811914) French engineer, aircraft designer.

Architecture… (Paris, /Albin Michel/ 1912)


Corroyer, Édouar-Jules (1835–1904) French architect.

Description de L'Abbaye Du Mont Saint-Michel Et de Ses Abords (Paris, /Dumoulin/ 1877)

L'architecture romane (Paris, /Quantin/ 1888)

L'architecture gothique (Paris, /Quantin/ 1891)


Cottart, Pierre (?–1686) French architect.

Recueil de plusieurs pièces d’architecture qui sont à Paris… (Paris, 1648)

Receuil des plus beaux portails de plusieures églises de Paris (Paris, /Van Merle/ 1660)

Recveil Des Oeuures du Sieur Cottart Architecte (Paris, 1686)

Nouveaux Dessins De Lambris De Menuiserie A Panneaux De Glace Dessinez par le Sr Cottar Architecte du Roy et autres. et nouvellement executez dans plusieurs Batimens à Paris (Paris, é.n.)


Coulomb, Charles Augustin de (1736-1806) French military engineer.  

Essai sur une application des regles de maximis & de minimis a quelques problemes des statique, relatifs a l'architecture. In Mémoires de Mathématique & de Physique présentés a l'Academie Royale des Sciences par divers Savans (Paris, 1776)


Courtonne, Jean (1671–1739) French architect.

Traité De La Perspective Pratique, Avec Des Remarques Sur L'Architecture, Suivies de quelques Edifices considerables mis en Perspective, & de l'invention de l'Auteur (Paris, /Charles-Antoine Jombert/ 1725)


Cousin, Jean (ca. 1490–ca. 1560) French painter.

Livre de perspectiue de Iehan Cousin senonois, maistre painctre à Paris (Paris, 1560)


Cram, Ralph Adams (18631942) American architect.

Church building; a study of the principles of architecture in their relation to the church (Boston, /Small, Maynard & co./ 1901)

Impressions of Japanese architecture and the allied arts (New York, /Baker & Taylor/ 1905)

The ruined abbeys of Great Britain (New York, /Churchman/ 1905)

Church building; a study of the principles of architecture in their relation to the church (Boston, /Small, Maynard & co./ 1906)

The ministry of art (Boston, New York, /Houghton Mifflin co./ 1914)

Heart of Europe (New York, /Scribner's/ 1915)

Farm houses, manor houses, minor chateaux and small churches, from the eleventh to the sixteenth centuries, in Normandy, Brittany and other parts of France (New York, /The Architectural book publishing company, P. Wenzel and M. Krakow/ 1917)

The great thousand years (Boston, /Jones/ 1918)

Architecture in its relation to civilization (Boston, /Marshall Jones Co./ 1918)

Walled towns (Boston, /Marshall Jones Co./ 1919)


Cram, Ralph Adams →, Hastings, Thomas (1860-1929) American architect, Bragdon, Claude Fayette →

Six lectures on architecture (Chicago, /Pub. for the Art Institute of Chicago by the University of Chicago Press/ 1917 /?/)


Crescenzi, Pietro (de) (Crescent, Pierre de; Crescentius, Petrus de) (ca. 1233–ca.1320) Italian physician, landscape-gardener.

Opus Ruralium Commodorum (Augsburg, /Johann Schüssler/ 1471)

Le liure des prouffits châpetres et ruraulx, touchât le labour des champs, édifices de maisons, puys et cysternes manuscrit de 1383 traduit du latin en français en 1516 (ca. 1530)

Le livre des prouffitz champestres et ruraulx, touchant le labour des champs, édifices de maisons, puys et cyternes, composé par maistre Pierre des Crescens… et de plusieurs, nommé le Mesnaiger, nouvellement corrigé (Paris, /Thomas du Guernier/ ca. 1530)


Cresy, Edward (1792–1858) English architect.

Architecture of the Middle Ages in Italy (London, 1829)

Treatise of Bridge Buildings (London, 1839)

Illustrations of Stone Churches (London, 1840)


Cristiani, Girolamo Francesco (1731–ca. 1789) Italian architect, mathematician, writer.

Delle Misure D'Ogni Genere Antiche, E Moderne Con Note Letterarie, E Fisico-Matematiche, A Giovamento Di Qualunque Architetto (Brescia, /Giambatista Bossini/ 1760)


Crunden, John (ca. 1741–1835) English interior designer.

Design for Ceilings (London, 1765)

The Joyner and Cabinet-Maker's Darling, or Pocket Director (London, 1765)

The Carpenter's Companion, Containing 32 New and Beautiful Designs for All Sorts of Chinese Railings and Gates (London, 1765)

Convenient and ornamental architecture; consisting of original designs, for plans, elevations, and sections from the Farm House to the Most Grand and Magnificent Villa (London, 1767; London, /Taylor/ 1785)


Cupper, R. A. (?) American architect.

A new practical stair builder's guide : being a new and complete system of lines for the use of workmen, founded on geometrical principles, with their application involved in the prosecution of this (Cincinnati, /Thomas J. White/ 1849)

The universal stair builder: being a new Ttreatise on the Construction of Stair-cases and hand-Rails, showing plans of the various forms of Stairs, method of Placing the Risers in the Cylinders, general method of describing the Face Moulds for a Hand-Rail, and an expeditious method of Squaring the Rail; with a new method of Saving the Twist Part of any hand-Rail square from the face of the plank, and to a parallel width. Also new method of forming the Easing of the Rail by a gauge; preceded by some necessary Problems in Practical Geometry, with the Sections of Prismatic Solids. (Philadelphia, /H. C. Baird/ 1851; New York, /Baker, Godwin & Co./ 1851; New York, /William Gowans/ 1858)


Cuvilliés, François de (Cuvilies) (1731–1777) Bavarian architect, son of François de Cuvilliés (1695–1768).

Vitruve bavarois (incompleted, München, 1770)

This register is a list of books, which designers, architects, builders and anyone else who was interested in principles and practice of architecture... read from the begining of the printed press until the First World War.